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M25OC stories

Matt and Julie Petty’s Story

Matt and Julie began volunteering for Matthew 25 Outreach Center nearly five years ago…

And they have no intention of stopping. They love impacting their community in both temporal and eternal ways.

After going on a mission trip, Julie was haunted by the people in need she encountered. She wanted to do something to help, but living hundreds of miles away made it difficult…

Read the full story here.

More than Enough

As I sat in front of a generator-powered fan on the ground floor of our house…

I thought about how miserable I was.

No electricity. No AC. No internet.

My mom had to dump everything that was in the fridge and most of the stuff in our kitchen freezer.

I was hot and grumpy. Nothing was good enough…

Read the full story here.


Selflessness is shown in action, not in word.

In today's society, selflessness is a word that seems to have been misplaced… but not in the world of Ellie Harlan. Ellie is a senior at Ashland High School who seems to embrace the true meaning of selflessness…

Read the full story here.

God Timing

I had passed by the house so I could turn around to find better parking for my truck and trailer. The street was a busy one, so I turned just around a corner and parked along a side street. I crossed the busy street to greet our client.

As I talked with the client, I noticed that the person who lived in the house on the corner where I parked had cautiously peeked out and looked at my trailer loaded with fresh produce.

She then ducked back inside. I wrapped up getting fresh food to our client and headed back across the street to my truck. It was then that I felt the nudge...

Read the full story here.

A Long Day

When a day starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m., it is safe to say that you can count that as a long day. Fifteen-hour days can be exhausting for sure, but somehow, this fifteen-hour day left me rejuvenated, excited, and hungering for more!

Why in the world would a produce distribution take fifteen hours?! Why would that make me want more?!

Read the full story here.

We Met Jesus Carrying Baskets of Food

My new friend, Mary Lee, and I took to the roads to deliver food to two large apartment complexes. On this visit, I was able to reconnect with several children I'd met over the past several months. One of the boys watched me intently as I packed baskets of food to give out to our friends in the building.

The boy eased his way into a conversation with me and our new friendship was kindled. The discussion flowed easily and he decided to hang out with us for more than an hour. During this time, he asked many questions as he watched me pack baskets with food...

Read the full story here.

Beware of GOD

Back in December, I had taken my friend Gail out on her first trip to deliver produce. As you may recall, we had encountered a home with signs posted out front – No Solicitors, No Trespassing, Beware of Dog – along with a board spanning the opening of the front porch.

As you may also recall, I rather boldly stepped right over the board and knocked on the door. While we didn’t give away any produce, we had made a safe connection with a community member, and at the very least, opened the door to a possible future relationship.

Read the full story here.

Prayer on the Porch

We approached a home that we had delivered to the previous month.

We knew they had need, and that there was a very large family living in the home. When we rang the doorbell, we were greeted with familiarity. However, there was a tone of sadness. The young girl informed us that her step-dad had just learned of his brother’s death that morning...

Read the full story here.

Home Deliveries? Are you sure?

We were only in our second month of produce distributions, and we had quickly learned that home delivery would be our niche...

However, we had to convince the people in the community that we were trustworthy and would be here to stay. Across the board, we were initially greeted with great caution. More accurately, suspicion.

Read the full story here.