On this frigid day, I found myself reflecting on the following stories and just couldn’t help but think… these are my people!
Several years ago, “These are my People” was a popular country song by Rodney Adkins. After today’s touching interactions, this song kept coming back to my mind…
Read the full story here.
It was early on a beautiful autumn Saturday morning as we were joined by a team of young adults from Columbus to help with today’s produce distribution. We had just finished loading my truck to begin doing home deliveries and I was joined by one of these young adults to ride-along.
His name was Moses.
This particular Moses was not called to lead people out of Egypt, but he was being called to step out of his comfort zone and help feed the hungry in Mansfield...
Read the full story here.
When a day starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 10:30 p.m., it is safe to say that you can count that as a long day. Fifteen-hour days can be exhausting for sure, but somehow, this fifteen-hour day left me rejuvenated, excited, and hungering for more!
Why in the world would a produce distribution take fifteen hours?! Why would that make me want more?!
Read the full story here.
We knew the weather was going to be bitterly cold on produce distribution Saturday morning (Jan. 7, 2017)...
and contemplated if we should postpone the food distribution until the following Saturday, when the weather forecast was to be much warmer.
Then the phone rang...
Read the full story here.